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Bulls Bring Back Hurricane Harris

Updated: Nov 10, 2020

Birmingham announced on Friday that Josh Harris will be returning for his 4th season in a Bulls uniform. 

Harris signed with the team in 2017 and has since been selected as a SPHL All-star and league MVP.  The Torrance, CA native has recorded 61 goals and 152 assists as a Birmingham Bull.

“I’m excited to see what this season will bring for the Bulls." says Harris. "The SPHL is going to be better than ever, under the circumstances. I’m hoping we can be the team to win the last game of the year. Let’s do this”

"Our franchise made a big turn for the best when Harry arrived in our inaugural season." Comment Bulls head coach Jamey Hicks "We look forward to seeing #24 for another year. Harry never takes a shift or game off. He plays the game the way it was meant to be played."

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